Marketing your business in the Metaverse!

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There is a revolution underway, pushed on by the convergence of several technologies and social forces. In particular, the desire for more meaningful virtual collaboration has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and it’s clear the metaverse is the biggest technological leap since the smartphone revolution 15 short years ago!

Some aspects of this seemingly science fiction world are much closer than most business owners realize. In our experience, most people think Virtual Reality and the metaverse consists of zombie games and kids, and to some extent it does ….

BUT a new world of meaningful and useful Virtual Reality is rapidly taking shape for the business world enabling you to run your Events, Trade Shows, Expos, Presentations and Conferences in Co-Vid safe, Virtual Reality!

Attendees can walk around freely, talk to each other, get information from the booth hosts and salespeople, and connect to raise brand awareness and purchase your products or services.

As usual, Activate Action Marketing is on the cutting-edge of this exciting new technology and can help your business open up a new virtual world of possibilities to help grow your brand and income by providing a unique one-of-a-kind experience in VR.

Get in front of the wave and get your business in front of real people in a virtual and immersive event experience.

Our goal is to help you and your company market in the new Metaverse and help you make your business marketing unique, fun and authentic again.

Virtual reality can bring you and your business networking to the next level.

The Metaverse awaits you!

If you are intrigued and would like to know more then contact us today! Just fill in the form at the bottom of this page to get a free no-obligation consultation. 

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